Дыяментавы карыстач

O snail

Climb Mount Fuji,

But slowly, slowly!

-- Issa

There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip.

-- Anon.

Every chessplayer should have a hobby.

-- Tartakower

Some chess playing skills: http://listverse.com/2013/04/18/10-surprisingly-brutal-facts-about-dragonflies/

Langley Chess Club
Langley Chess Club 23 карыстальніка
ChessDojo 5 392 карыстальніка
Slow LIVE Chess Association
Slow LIVE Chess Association 4 040 карыстальнікаў
Slow Chess League
Slow Chess League 3 833 карыстальніка
Dan Heisman Learning Center
Dan Heisman Learning Center 17 679 карыстальнікаў