
Hey cats

I'm Ben the Oceanman.

Call me Ben or Oceanman.

Bio friends.

Best friend is @Abel_H04, been five groovy years Electroman!

Second bio pos be, @Ivy_777 what a Poison Ivy, inspiration behind the Poison Ivy club.

Third bio pos be, @OjalaLlueva u totally rock. one of the cool cats

@Love_Aiger, my totally GROOVY Mousie friend.

@iPhone626, that Cat....My handle for a groooooooovy chess friend.

@SageSamy, the reason behind the Waterman name. Cuz he is the Ballman!

@nsynced, Lets get in sync cats, cuz we gonna rock the clock.

@ghost_him1 aka @Trollman12345678, pray the man is kept safe and returns home one day.

MSG me if u want a bio pos. I may do it.

Legends from yesteryear.

@Mystery_Man_X, the most mysterious cat on CC, what happened to you cry.

60's lingo is totally happenin'!

I am a proud Burlyton Special Security Officer.

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