
Email: [email protected] Phone: +27 71 58 66 175 Address: Johannesburg, South Africa Alessandro Parodi learned chess at school at 11 in his hometown, Turin, Italy. During his teens, he participated in several Italian championships and international tournaments across Europe, peaking at a Fide rating of 2100. From 2008 he is a chess coach and a tournament organizer. His activity as a journalist started in 2009 with the Italian local chess publication En-Passant, which he directed for three years. In 2012 he moved to Johannesburg, South Africa, where he now owns the Randburg Chess academy and he writes as a freelancer for several international publications. He is also an arbiter and an active member of the Johannesburg Metro Chess union. Parodi writes for about African chess news.


Club Admins
Club Admins ৬,৮৪৯ জন সদস্য
Szkoła Szachowa Król i Królowa
Szkoła Szachowa Król i Królowa ৯৯ জন সদস্য
Team South Africa
Team South Africa ১৪,০৬৪ জন সদস্য
HashtagChess Club
HashtagChess Club ১,৭৩৪ জন সদস্য
Johannesburg Metro Chess
Johannesburg Metro Chess ১৬৭ জন সদস্য