
Lived in North America/Europe (Malta/Ireland). Been to Africa (Ghana), Kind of been to South America, (Curacao, Mexico, Panama), and born in the Caribbean (Haiti). Next is Asia, Does Istanbul Airport count???.  Bongu, Kif Inti??? Malta gΔ§andha ikel mill-aqwa, Δ§obb il-pasti tal-irkotta.

Here is me on Radio Kerry

I am a certified Assistant Dolphin Trainer in Curacao (If you were there September-January 2023-2024 you might have seen me in the Curacao Sea Aquarium). Also hello anchovies in the background.

Also @heyletsplayftw you are on the pin of shame/hall of shame

Shoutout to my pet rabbit Shara, I still miss you.

Also one of the one's who defeated Xumi.

Here is a classic Irish song with a modern twist
Fahri Mac, The High Kings - Step It Out (Visualiser)

Also am I the only one who thinks Turkish rap/hip hop sounds pretty good. Even tho I don't know what they are saying. I like Halodayi, Cakal, Heijan and Muti and many others!!!

Lvbel C5 x Fumez The Engineer - Plugged In - YouTube

I listen to Radio Garden when I'm playing, aka the radio. My favorite radios are Electric FM, Virgin Radio TR, Riddim 1 Radio, Food and Travel Nation, (my favorite news radio) and many others.

My Youtube:
My Reddit:
My Twitch:

Friend me!!

I got muted before, because support absolutely sucks. Decode this message if you are a champ: π“‡‹π“π“‰”π“„Ώπ“π“…‚π“π“Ž’π“‰”π“…‚π“‹΄π“‹΄π“žπ“Ž’π“…±π“…“π“π“‹΄π“…²π“Šͺπ“Šͺπ“…±π“‚‹π“π“žπ“π“π“‰”π“…‚π“‡Œπ“π“Ž’π“„Ώπ“ˆ–π“π“…‚π“„Ώπ“π“π“‚‹π“…±π“Ž’π“ˆŽπ“‹΄

Champ list who decoded it:
