
O’ Flesh

How sweet you are

You fill me with bliss

With your savory undertones

When you are cured

I feel secured

When smoked

I become stoked

When roasted

I would eat you if you were composted

When boiled

I become soiled

O’ Flesh

How nice is your texture

Your silky feel

As you slide down my throat

Your juices

As they run down my face

Your scent

How I love it

It makes me want more

But I can’t go to the store

They don’t carry this produce

I don’t want the juice

Or the goose

I don’t want the beans

Or any of their greens

O’ Flesh

You are what I truly desire

So I look under the dryer

And I grab my cleaver

And walk out to retrieve her

O’ Flesh

How hard I do work

To taste your








I endure the screams

And the shouts

I endure the kicks

And the knocks to my head

I endure it all for your velvety feel

And I strike the blow

To put her to rest

O’ Flesh

How I love to chop you up

You fall off the bone

O’ Flesh

How I love to heat you

Yes, the way you simmer

And after, of course

I Eat You

But when I have finished

What is that that I hear

The whine of sirens

And the shouts of men

So I walk out the door

Make my way down the street

There is no time

To eat

More meat

I run down the block

Then I slow to a walk

I know I can’t win

So I stop

And I wait

They know what I’ve done

So they take me away

And put me in prison

And, unsurprisingly

I’ve been condemned to death

So they take me to room

With white walls

A White floor

White ceiling

White table

White chair

They ask me

“What would you like to eat”

And answer them

And I say



That is what I truly desire

How hard I have worked

To taste your




Your juices

Your silky texture

That’s what I want

O’ Flesh

But they deny

My request

And ask what else 

But the rest

I do detest

Because I want only the best


The flesh

So I’m led to the bed

At the back of the room

That I didn’t notice before

They lay me down

Roll up the sleeve of my gown

And plunge the syringe into my skin


O’ Flesh

I need one last taste

So I bite off my tongue

And chew it up

And swallow

As they look at me with horror

I feel a peace

Most likely a cause of the meat

And I feel a satisfaction

O’ Flesh

Of my body

While they say

“Oh god he-”

Then I finally come to rest

O’ Flesh

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