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If you’d like to support my

journey I’d greatly appreciate it $jklenear94 Have no interest in casual play. Only play to learn (interested in post-mortem or just want to play join me https://www.chess.com/club/chess-insei-academy ) or for a prize.

  • I've gained 601 in rating in Approx 3 months on chess.com CC a world record to the best of my knowledge.
  • inventor of the Donkey Variation!(1.e4 d6 2.d4 e5 3. Na3!?
  • Pawn parade champ lol: https://chessimplover.com/becoming-a-pawn-master/
  • Michigan Top Scorer for 2018 USCCL Division 1 section. https://www.chess.com/club/team-michigan
  • Worlds Leading practitioner of the Saragossa Opening 2024 [several different forms of it not just reversed lines, 34 games [+24 =9 -1 80% score]
  • #1 on app chessminigames 
  • #1 chess player on the now disabled play station home for the PS3
  • #1 player on aol(.)com 12/17/2020 (they only have daily rankings)
  • Tied #1 flChess leaderboard [19 moves]

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