I am a Christian and not afraid to show it!
Can all the countries please stop fighting and just chill for 5 minutes ;-;
I'm writing a book 😎
Random Info
Pronouns: She/Her
Names I've been called: Author, Chicken, Quote Woman, Rock Yeeter, TheYeeterOfRocks, TheAuthorAndNuggets, CM, Phoenix, Alivor, Auth, TheCollecterOfQuotes, Ash The Pokemon Collector
Favorite Movie: Top Gun (both of them)
Favorite Books: Harry Potter series (J.K Rowling), Raven One series (Kevin Miller), Warriors series (Erin Hunter)
Favorite Artists: for KING & COUNTRY, Matthew West, MercyMe, Unspoken, Casting Crowns, David Crowder Band, Jeremy Camp, Tauren Wells
Favorite Color: Red
Blog: https://www.chess.com/blog/TheAuthorOfChickens
Unhinged Polls
Part 1: https://take.supersurvey.com/QJ0I7WFWU
Part 2: https://take.supersurvey.com/QT0Z9HU62
Part 3: https://take.supersurvey.com/QA3VXSRZJ
View Races
If anyone has around the same views as me and wants to do a race, please let me know!
@Cassian_Cashout - To 5,000 - Winning
@Iansicles - To 5,000 - Losing
Walls (credit to @Iansicles for the idea)
@Caleb341, @Iansicles, @F1-24, @Qoiuoiuoiuoiu, @Scemer, @Jared, @SweetPeaBuddy
Pretend all of Viroh's accounts are on here.
Quote Rounds
Round 1: https://www.chess.com/blog/TheAuthorOfChickens/quotes-round-1
Round 2: https://www.chess.com/blog/TheAuthorOfChickens/quotes-round-2
Quote Leaderboard (Round 3)
@Iansicles - 24
@Scemer - 11
@Qoiuoiuoiuoiu - 7
@Deflection - 5
@F1-24 - 4
@KingOfBrilliancy - 4
@Caleb341 - 3
@EzraAnd07 - 3
@Lord_Of_Hosts - 2
@sailsword - 2
@TheUnknownChessMaster - 2
@Lilyana - 1
@Johannian07 - 1
@o0O-Guardin-O0o - 1
@Admiral_ChessBeard - 1
@shadowhb123 - 1
@is-this-allowed - 1
@NoahdeAlwis - 1
@Lt-Aitor - 1
@TerminalNZ - 1
@vamsim7 - 1
@TheAuthorOfChickens - 13 (I'm not competing, this is just statistics)
Quotes Round 3 - No Context Allowed - Newest Additions On Top
Count: 90
Total: 290
"I was talking about the first one. IDK why anyone would consider "kill" to be a swear word. Person: *stubs toe* Person: KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! Everyone else: O_O" - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"😀😃😄😁😆🥹😅😂🤣🥲😊😇🙂🙃😉😌😍🥰😘😗😙😚😋😛😝😜🤪🤨🧐🤓😎🥸🤩🥳😏😒😞😔😟😕🙁😣😖😫😩🥺😢😭😤😠😡🤬🤯😳🥵🥶😶🌫️😱😨😰😥😓🤗🤔🫣🤭🫢🫡🤫🫠🤥😶🫥😐🫤😑🫨😬🙄😯😦😧😮😲🥱😴🤤😪😮💨😵😵💫🤐🥴🤢🤮🤧😷🤒🤕🤑🤠😀😃😄😁😆🥹😅😂🤣🥲😊😇🙂🙃😉😌😍🥰😘😗😙😚😋😛😝😜🤪🤨🧐🤓😎🥸🤩🥳😏😒😞😔😟😕🙁😣😖😫😩🥺😢😭😤😠😡🤬🤯😳🥵🥶😶🌫️😱😨😰😥😓🤗🤔🫣🤭🫢🫡🤫🫠🤥😶🫥😐🫤😑🫨😬🙄😯😦😧😮😲🥱😴🤤😪😮💨😵😵💫🤐🥴🤢🤮🤧😷🤒🤕🤑🤠😀😃😄😁😆🥹😅😂🤣🥲😊😇🙂🙃😉😌😍🥰😘😗😙😚😋😛😝😜🤪🤨🧐🤓😎🥸🤩🥳😏😒😞😔😟😕🙁😣😖😫😩🥺😢😭😤😠😡🤬🤯😳🥵🥶😶🌫️😱😨😰😥😓🤗🤔🫣🤭🫢🫡🤫🫠🤥😶🫥😐🫤😑🫨😬🙄😯😦😧😮😲🥱😴🤤😪😮💨😵😵💫🤐🥴🤢🤮🤧😷🤒🤕🤑🤠 Shopping malls on Black Friday." - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"Guys. Everyone wants coord or admin, but why doesn't anyone want the coveted role of "Member"? It's so good, it allows features like creating notes, deleting your own notes, participating in activities in the club, and creating forum topics! It also allows you to change your OWN settings in the club like changing notification settings!!!!" - @vamsim7
"i was gonna say 8/10 but u lost multiple wars to us and we carried in the world wars so 3/10" - @TheUnknownChessMaster
"Wait I got confused because he last online in October. And then I remember that author can sometimes discover quotes from like 1421" - @Iansicles
"we don't have 4+ rooks- --> Just pick them up from other people's boards. I'm sure they won't mind." - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"bullet // Very special. Not "wanna play a game?" or "wanna play bullet?" just the word "bullet". Wow." - @KingOfBrilliancy
"Anybody here eat food? || no I eat liquids, such as mercury-" - @Iansicles
"My case is: WHAT IN THE WORLD DID I DO???" - @TerminalNZ
"When I'm online, no one comments. When I'm offline, 63894 new comments. Wild." - @KingOfBrilliancy
"Would you rather I bombard this forum with pictures of baby animals?" - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe." - @Lt-Aitor
"Me when kob gets quoted: NOOOOOO! kob when I get quoted: FAVoritSM" - @Iansicles
"don't tell me you're gonna be inactive for a next 8 months-" - @KingOfBrilliancy
"The bread was too superior" - @Iansicles
"pov Author: "its been 70 years and im still logging all the vote chess matches, that moron Noah is still making them"" - @NoahdeAlwis
"*runs for life* || why did I get recommend to post the middle finger emoji on this 😭" - @Iansicles
"too bad, I know author's walls are white and you can't do anything about it" - @Iansicles
"Oh yeah right. I think I started this by insulting authors VC project" - @Deflection
"author became a 2nd grade teacher trying to get kids to sound out syllables" - @Iansicles
"Alright. Look out your window. // Um is that you? I see a chicken climbing up the stairs... HELP ME!" - @Deflection
"Although I am concerned that you're also living in my house." - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"Pov chess.com making a rule about impersonating, me explaining everyone who has the same profile picture as @Qoiuoiuoiuoiu should be banned 🗿" - @Iansicles
"If my post gets quoted, I will gain +1 quotes 🤓" - @Iansicles
"help me my sister is making siren noises and I can't stop it helpppp --> Create a tornado so she has a reason to be making siren noises." - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"nebraska we have a ton of stuff...like...um... idk ME" - @TheUnknownChessMaster
"Is that Greenland-looking flag PFP your new drip?" - @Scemer
""I won both rounds of hurt/heal in CVC and all I got was this lousy pfp"" - @Qoiuoiuoiuoiu
"IQ? Do you mean Idiot Quotient?" - @Qoiuoiuoiuoiu
"Quoten't 🗿" - @F1-24
"You come online and you find Ian cooking quotes // you make it sound like ian’s doing something illegal or smth —> Probably because you cut off the rest– // I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and i shall endeavor to remain ignorant of your attempts to educate me otherwise" - @Qoiuoiuoiuoiu
"You come online and you find Ian cooking quotes // you make it sound like ian's doing something illegal or smth" - @Qoiuoiuoiuoiu
"Whats going on? // Um yes" - @Qoiuoiuoiuoiu
"here comes the conspiracy theorists" - @Iansicles
"I am the one who created taco'd and I'm getting taco'd by everyone what a backfire" - @Iansicles
"quote me now or I will, uhh, hold on let me find some things to say that are scary online" - @Iansicles
"Today, I will explain to you why Chessian’s (@IanSicles) comments are not worthy enough to be listed on Author’s (@TheAuthorOfChickens) Quote Leaderboard. According to my knowledge, the notion of chain complex is central in homological algebra. An abstract chain complex is a sequence (C∙, d∙) of abelian groups and group homomorphisms, with the property that the composition of any two consecutive maps is zero: C∙: ... → Cn+1 → Cn → Cn-1 → ..., with dn ∘ dn+1 = 0. The elements of Cn are called n-chains, and the homomorphisms dn are called the boundary maps or differentials. The chain groups Cn may be endowed with extra structure; for example, they may be vector spaces or modules over a fixed ring R. The differentials must preserve the extra structure if it exists; for example, they must be linear maps or homomorphisms of R-modules. For notational convenience, restrict attention to abelian groups (more correctly, to the category Ab of abelian groups); a celebrated theorem by Barry Mitchell implies the results will generalize to any abelian category. Every chain complex defines two further sequences of abelian groups, the cycles Zn = Ker(dn) and the boundaries Bn = Im(dn+1), where Ker(d) and Im(d) denote the kernel and the image of d. Since the composition of two consecutive boundary maps is zero, these groups are embedded into each other as Bn ⊆ Zn ⊆ Cn. Subgroups of abelian groups are automatically normal; therefore we can define the nth homology group Hn(C) as the factor group of the n-cycles by the n-boundaries: Hn(C) = Zn / Bn = Ker(dn) / Im(dn+1). A chain complex is called acyclic or an exact sequence if all its homology groups are zero. Chain complexes arise in abundance in algebra and algebraic topology. For example, if X is a topological space then the singular chains Cn(X) are formal linear combinations of continuous maps from the standard n-simplex into X; if K is a simplicial complex then the simplicial chains Cn(K) are formal linear combinations of the n-simplices of K; if A = F/R is a presentation of an abelian group A by generators and relations, where F is a free abelian group spanned by the generators and R is the subgroup of relations, then letting C1(A) = R, C0(A) = F, and Cn(A) = 0 for all other n defines a sequence of abelian groups. In all these cases, there are natural differentials dn making Cn into a chain complex, whose homology reflects the structure of the topological space X, the simplicial complex K, or the abelian group A. In the case of topological spaces, we arrive at the notion of singular homology, which plays a fundamental role in investigating the properties of such spaces, for example, manifolds. On a philosophical level, homological algebra teaches us that certain chain complexes associated with algebraic or geometric objects (topological spaces, simplicial complexes, R-modules) contain a lot of valuable algebraic information about them, with the homology being only the most readily available part. On a technical level, homological algebra provides the tools for manipulating complexes and extracting this information. Here are two general illustrations. Two objects X and Y are connected by a map f between them. Homological algebra studies the relation, induced by the map f, between chain complexes associated with X and Y and their homology. This is generalized to the case of several objects and maps connecting them. Phrased in the language of category theory, homological algebra studies the functorial properties of various constructions of chain complexes and of the homology of these complexes. An object X admits multiple descriptions (for example, as a topological space and as a simplicial complex) or the complex C∙(X) is constructed using some 'presentation' of X, which involves non-canonical choices. It is important to know the effect of change in the description of X on chain complexes associated with X. Typically, the complex and its homology C∙(X) are functorial with respect to the presentation; and the homology (although not the complex itself) is actually independent of the presentation chosen, thus it is an invariant of X." - @Scemer
"I wonder how ducks can go to lemonade stands and ask for grapes, if I were to imagine it "QUEEEECKKKK QACKKK"" - @Iansicles
"I’m gonna delete the whole club— 🫠 (obviously jk)" - @Caleb341
"I'm going to leave CC if I can't call you Chessian. It's my revenge against Deflection." - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"I think "n" and "u" are far away on the keyboard, unless you rearranged it to garbage" - @Iansicles
"who is gonna win vote chess uber eats or chess.com vs chesskid? --> Like your club's name, you guys are kind of cooked ;-;" - @F1-24
"I have a whole revolution against me KOB, help their jealous" - @Iansicles
"I left and rejoined cause why not" - @sailsword
"POV: Author's online and everyone's trying to get some quotes in before Author leaves 🗿" - @F1-24
"I could bring in politics or religion... || And chess.com could bring in the "ban @theauthorofchickens" button" - @Iansicles
"author is like "what beats rock" - " yeeting the rock "" - @Iansicles
"I'm not a fan of Wings of Fire because of some of the themes, but I'd like to point out that the cover of The Dark Secret is epic! || Your a fan of rock yeeting, maybe we should make a sport just for you. Top gun binge watching, rock-yeeting. Fastest quotes ever" - @Iansicles
"wait now I can yeet a fridge at author" - @Iansicles
"I literally only look down lol, I treat it like a nosebleed, me when I get headache: "THAT FLOOR LOOKING HANDSOME AINT IT?"" - @Iansicles
"All of scemer's quotes are ones that mention me, my revolution in round 3 isn't gone" - @Iansicles
"How would you stop me from not quoting you? —> I like how Chessian has no quotes in your BIO. Makes me happy, fr. || Me about to tell KOB what to say at all times so he can win" - @Iansicles
"I mean if KOB pings author and she wakes up from the dead than there's a good chance he can wake @agreed up" - @Iansicles
"Guys, I'm so famous that I have a personal mailman who tells me when votechess and other stuff happens, my mailman is @chesscom I'm so famous they send me tons of messages per day" - @Iansicles
"What happened? --> Caleb is quitting CC, Scemer is considering closing his account, Lily is going to be given ownership, Jared raged at everyone, and F1 announced he's starting a revolution against this club and is threatening to ban attack us. Also, Qoi started accepting every open challenge, KOB is threatening to hack Caleb's account and rename the club to "POC ripoff", Noah got threatened with demotion by Jared, and Kurai banned 15 people for having the letter "e" in their comment." - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"*Ahem*, is your hand ok? You could’ve gently threw it away. —> Don’t worry, the screen was quit feeble. I mean, what else do we expect from an iPad released in 2013? 🗿 Besides, where’s the fun in throwing it away when you can torture it with your hands? 🗿" - @Scemer
"You smashed it…in your hands? 💀 —> Yeah, I just smashed the screen with my fist until I saw those stunning rainbows on the screen. 🫠" - @Scemer
"*Me definitely not patiently waiting for my comment below to get into your quotes, fr*" - @Scemer
"I have quotes. And other stuff. But mostly quotes. —> Well, that’s very helpful, fr" - @Scemer
"rip @bombcraft tho, he came back to life then died 50 minutes later" - @Qoiuoiuoiuoiu
"Me: *hurts Qoi* - Qoi: *sends his entire army after me* - Me, afterwards: *heals Qoi* - Qoi: What ;-; - Qoi: This doesn't mean I'm gonna start healing you. - Me: I know 😀" - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"if they even hurt my cat one word DIE" - @is-this-allowed
"“You are under arrest for attempted murder, you have the right to remain silent, any unintelligible baby noises you make can, and will be used against you in the court of law.”" - @shadowhb123
"Wow TheAuthorOfChickens hurts the top 3, what a strategy-" - @KingOfBrilliancy
"cut the spam or i will use my very powerful role of admin to... um... idk, to ask an even higher power to do something" - @Admiral_ChessBeard
"if you ban Caleb won’t f1-24 run this club —> POV: You find Chessian taking situations personally." - @Scemer
"Author if you don't put this in your quotes I will come to your house with a chicken nugget" - @Deflection
"*logs in to Caleb's account and threatens to delete CVC from existence if you don't buy 50 million chickens and name them all "Jerry"*" - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"What are you gonna do yeet a rock in my oven? --> No. *yeets a water bottle through your sofa* —> I like how Author ran offline after saying this comment." - @Scemer
"Don't worry, I'm just giving the world a break from my brilliance." - @Deflection
"My mother always used to say: "The older you get, the better you get, unless you're a banana.”" - @Deflection
"See, fellow Christians? We have identified a non-Christian in our midst. loyal2Him, who apparently doesn't approve of slaughtering innocent villagers. We need to teach him how to be more... brotherly." - @Lord_Of_Hosts
"You're doing chess.com a great service by immortalizing the best of us (or the worst 🤣)." - @F1-24
"Just Kill People." - @Lord_Of_Hosts
"rip the full on theological debate" - @Qoiuoiuoiuoiu
"whats your fave anime? a snack on titan? death bloat? more than one lunch man? my hero cafeteria? more than one piece? hunger x hunger? seven deadly chins? full play alchemist? buffet slayer?" - @o0O-Guardin-O0o
"I just throw my siblings when they make me mad" - @EzraAnd07
"he's probably the reason the mirror stopped talking. he roasted it so much that it died" - @EzraAnd07
"Mirrors don't talk, and thankfully for you, they don't laugh either" - @Johannian07
"A whole airport which is named to be a constant reminder that planes can crash XD" - @EzraAnd07
"https://www.chess.com/club/authors-flock My fan club (Why does that emoji look like it's gonna team up with the Duolingo owl if you don't join?)" - @TheAuthorOfChickens
"Scemer, haven’t you self-closed three times, gotten banned twice, and gotten muted multiple times (I only remember well once, correct me if I’m wrong there.)?" - @Caleb341
"I can be cookoo sometimes 🤪" - @Lilyana
"How would you stop me from not quoting you? —> I like how Chessian has no quotes in your BIO. Makes me happy, fr." - @Scemer
"My hands immediately getting tired when I go to scroll down to look at the quotes because there is new stuff —> POV: You find Chessian trying to cook Author’s Quotes." - @Scemer
"Can you please stop with this? It's getting kind of annoying and I don't like it. —> Chessian ain’t getting into Author’s quotes after this one 🗣️🔥" - @Scemer
"I’m currently bankrupt in straws so wait for a day or two" - @sailsword
"I think Grammar went out the window a while ago…lol" - @Caleb341