
Bullying?? Think you're so cool??? That girl you just called fat? ... She's on a diet. The girl you just called ugly?? .. She spends hours every day putting on makeup at home. That boy you just tripped? He's abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country. That girl you just made fun of for crying? Her mom is dying. That kid you just laughed at because he's bald? He has cancer.
I bet more than half of you won't repost. But the people with heart will.

Hello there! I am Elisabeth. Welcome to my new bio! Shoutouts are down there v
So, you wanna know some things about who I am? 
Here we go!
I am a Christian, a Heartie, a Keeper, and a Michigan Wolverines college football fan! I am absolutely obsessed with animals, crafts, and learning about God's word.
The most important things to me are following God, hanging out with and encouraging friends and family and being true to myself while still being the best me possible.
My hobbies are... Reading, writing, singing, crafting, baking, sketching, talking.. talking.. talking.. talking.. and more talking!  Believe it or not I was once an introvert! Hard to believe, eh? Well it's true. Miss Elisabeth was once incredibly shy. Anyway, now it's time for shoutouts! 
@Cecilia Heyyy girl! One of the greatest CHTers ever! I seriously still think we're twins XD!
@Theisvalan JAMES! Hiii. Remember Philippians 4:13! 


Now to all the others out there reading this... all my family and friends and fellow CHTers. Y'all know who you are. I genuinely hope you have amazing lives and continue, or start, to walk with the LORD, and do so all of your life. 
Love you all so much!

If you have questions please visit
Last updated September 23rd, 2024