
JHU Student, chess enthuasiast.



Very good at tactics and attacking, and very aggressive. Very friendly person in real life, but relentless and merciless in chess. My collection of games called "INSTANT DESTRUCTION" (yes, it means what it means): https://www.chess.com/library/collections/instant-destruction-2BmYrM75g

My best game: https://lichess.org/rSx9g2OJ

I am white (this is my second lichess account) Absolutely destroyed this guy (I think he is theox07 on chess.com, a FM) and although I missed twice the opportunity to checkmate him, the final combo of a mate in 7 with 3 brilliant sacrifices is just STUNNING. Also, I basically ran out of time at the end, but the mate is just amazing! Yes, this is how I go at times.