Ugh I don't have time for this bio stuff.
@xxrichdudecoolstrongxx: Nice guy, is very welcoming. Whiny.
@Natioyujin: INFJ, Takes getting used to, but is a very sincere person.
@The-Kawaii-duck: Very nice.
@Meowy_69: Very chill.
@depressoespresso01: He changes his name WAY too much but nice guy!
@solflaren: Probably sipping on tea somewhere. If she isn't then she's extremely nice.
@Hyperdonut: Very complicated but yet simple at the same time!
Things I like:
Humans!:🧑 I'm a social person so I like ppl.
Mbti/16P: I'm an ENFP
Music:🎶 Music Is SO chill and literally NOBODY can not like it! I like all types except metal and It should be Clean.
Games:🎮 My sociality slightly causes this (is that a word?) But games are just so simple and complicated at the same time! And (most) are very calming to me.
Writing: Writing is a nice way to express creativity while adding things without limits, unlike painting for example.
Good Music:
Stories I made/am making (These all can be found at ):
1st: Charlie, Charlie kill us all. (This is my only Finished story lol and is in the same world as Insanity)
2nd. Insanity. (The font is technically different but I rlly don't have time to go and do all that stuff)
3rd: The Afterimage. (I've been Slackkkkkkking on this one)
4th: The Illusionist.
And I'm making 2 others rn that I hope to put out soon enough this year.