
An unforgettable Venezuelan chess party

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Last weekend the magic of chess seized the city of Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Expectations for the First International Chess Festival Tribute to IM Wiston Boada fell short as no less than 800 participants from all 24 states and 7 countries joined. With a prize fund of 240.000 bolívares (38,550 Euro) it was a truly unique event for a Latin American country.By Elias E. Chavez & Ely Saúl Sequera, Team Vinotinto Last Saturday, August 27th, the Italian-Venezuelan Club facilities in Barquisimeto, Venezuela was the site of the First International Chess Festival Tribute to International Master Wiston Boada. Boada is a famous figure in the Venezuelan chess scene, boasting 25 years of career experience and having represented Venezuela in many international events. Barquisimeto is the capital city of the State of Lara located in west central Venezuela, halfway between Caracas and Maracaibo on the Turbio River.
The event, organized by the website (currently hacked and therefore, as a safety measure, redirected to, intended to combine chess as a sport and as a science. On the Friday before the tournament, Spanish journalist Leontxo Garcia was invited to give a lecture. Titled 'Travelling through the fascinating world of chess', Garcia reviewed his experiences with chess and his relationship with such greats as Garry Kasparov, Anatoly Karpov and Bobby Fischer, among others. Afterwards he answered all questions from the audience, and on Saturday morning he gave another lecture, titled ''Ten reasons to support chess'.

Leontxo Garcia giving a lecture about his adventures in chess

Leontxo Garcia giving a lecture about his adventures in chess

On Saturday the event saw an unprecedented prize fund of 240.000 bolívares (38,550 Euro), 150,000 for the men's section and 90,000 for the women's section. The subscription was free, and done via internet. Eventually 800 participants from all 24 Venezuelan states and 7 countries joined, all of them receiving free drinks, lunch and a certificate.

The playing hall, with 800 players involved in their games

The playing hall, with 800 players involved in their games

The organizers made sure that there were no less than 155 prize winners, from 5 different sub-tournaments held together. There was an individual open for players at least 8 years old, but also a Grand Senior category for those older than 71, and a strong open for players FIDE rated 2000+. Games were transmitted on the 42" screens of 12 TVs. With 16 national referees and 2 international ones, it was the biggest chess festival ever held in Venezuela.

TV screens showing live board positions

TV screens showing live board positions

Winston Boada said to be overwhelmed by the idea of paying tribute to his career in chess. Celebrating 25 years of an impeccable career, Boada felt the love and admiration of his peers and lived moments of great excitement to receiving such attention. With characteristic generosity he publicly asked the organizers to repeat the festival next year and honour another national figure of chess. The presentation of the festival was in the hands of the renowned sports journalist Ivon Gaete, who added more glamour to the festival with her beauty and grace. Gaete tried to promote the chess as much as she could, and emphasized the importance of media commitment.

Sports journalists Ivon Gaete and José G. Salas attending the event

Sports journalists Ivon Gaete (hostess of the event) and José G. Salas

The strongest Venezuelan player, GM Eduardo Iturrizaga Gonzalez, did not attend the festival - you might remember that he featured in our report on the Sants tournament in Barcelona, won by Matthew Sadler. The organizers of the festival in Barquisimeto did give him a plaque for his achievements, which was received by his girlfriend Maria Gabriela Gonzalez.

Due to the high awards and support for the women, the tournament saw a record 120 ladies participating

Due to the high awards and support, the tournament saw a record 120 ladies participating

MAJOR WINNERS AND PRIZES The winners of the day in the five groups received 10 000 BsF. for first place and 5 000 BsF. the second in both male and female. Similarly in each group were rewarded in cash up to No. 16 in male and 10 female. Here are the winners: Vinotinto GROUP: Elo Fide 2236 Male: First Place: Jesus Molina (Dtto. Capital) Second Place: Andrés Guerrero (Guarico) Female: First Place: Jaquelin Mendez (Cuba) Second Place: Jorcerys Montilla (Dtto. Capital) RED GROUP Male: First Place: Daniel Jauregui (Barinas) Second Place: Gerardo Herrera (Barinas) Female: First Place: Margaret Chaparro (Barinas) Second Place: Yesmar Araujo (Lara) BLUE GROUP Male: First Place: Edgar Rivas (Carabobo) Second Place: Ismael Vidal (Monagas) Female: First Place: Tairu Rovira (Distrito Capital) Second Place: Kaissa Rojas (Portuguesa) WHITE GROUP Male: First Place: Johel Parra (Falcon), Alfonso Villegas (Portuguesa) and Franco Franvier (Cojedes) Female: First Place: Maria Carrillo (Zulia) Second Place: Maria Gimenez (Lara) YELLOW GROUP Male: First Place: Franklin Palomo (Miranda) Second Place: Miguel Carrillo (Zulia) Female: First Place: Maria Varela (Carabobo) Second Place: Astrid Vasquez (Miranda)

IM Wiston Boada, a big name in the Venezuelan chess scene, giving a simul

IM Wiston Boada, a big name in the Venezuelan chess scene, giving a simul

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