IM Torstein Bae Full name Torstein Bae Born 1/1/1979 (age 46) Place of birth Federation Norway Profiles #1945 World Ranking 2390 Classical 2380 Rapid 2295 Blitz Rating Bio Most Played Openings White Pieces Sicilian Defense: Taimanov, Bastrikov Variation (5 games) Modern Defense with 1.e4 (4 games) Closed Sicilian Defense: Traditional Line (4 games) French Defense: Exchange, Monte Carlo Variation (4 games) Ruy López Opening: Morphy Defense, Columbus Variation (3 games) Black Pieces Nimzo-Indian Defense: Ragozin, Schlechter Defense (4 games) Ruy López Opening: Morphy Defense, Exchange, King's Bishop Variation (4 games) Benko Gambit Half-Accepted: Pawn Return Variation (3 games) Scotch Game: Schmidt, Mieses Variation (3 games) Queen's Pawn Opening: Zukertort, Chigorin Variation (3 games) Games Players Result Moves Year Torstein Bae (2409) Kashkouli , Pouya 0-1 46 2021 Torstein Bae (2413) Sebastian Mihajlov (2372) 0-1 44 2017 Torstein Bae (2435) Kristian Stuvik Holm (2422) ½-½ 43 2016 Torstein Bae (2435) Asmund Hammerstad (2223) ½-½ 43 2016 Torstein Bae (2435) Kristian Stuvik Holm (2422) ½-½ 43 2016 Torstein Bae (2413) Kristian Stuvik Holm (2413) ½-½ 10 2016 Torstein Bae (2439) Ove Saevareid (2155) 1-0 24 2015 Torstein Bae (2439) Inge Sandstad Skrondal (2258) 0-1 61 2015 Torstein Bae (2435) Edwin David (2219) ½-½ 27 2015 Torstein Bae (2439) Pal Royset (2244) ½-½ 44 2015 Show All Games