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sakura k1ngdom ツ
you have been invited to the 🩷✨ sakura k1ngdom ツ ✨🩷 just in a few days we got so much members!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) you can be one of the early members if yo...
International Daily Chess League
Join this club to take part in an individual chess league. The club will not play in inter-club matches. It is purely to organise a league internal...
Team USA Live
Welcome to Team USA Live! We represent the land of the free and are the home of brave chess players who love the challenge of competitive team ch...
3 300
Team Africa
Welcome to Team Africa - We are a strong and active team. Over a 2300 members! YouTube Channel to check: YouTube Channel     https://www.youtube....
3 419
Team Australia-Adelaide SA
This club represents Adelaide in the State of South Australia. We represent the Capital city of Adelaide in the Cities World Cup, Team Match Ch...
Endgame Lovers
Welcome to the Endgame Lovers group! Endgame Lovers is for anyone who loves to study and play endgames. We have regular custom unrated endgame tour...
2 302
안녕하세요, 체스인사이드 클럽입니다 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/chessinside 네이버 블로그: https://blog.naver.com/chessinside 인스타그램: @chessinside
1 454
Team Latvia
Šīs grupas mērķis ir piedalīties Pasaules Līgas (World League) un Eiropas Līgas (European League) mačos gan klasiskajā formātā, gan Chess960...
1 410
Team Italia DOC
 Team Italia DOC è il club italiano più attivo su chess.com.  Organizza numerosi tornei interni divertenti ed impegnativi, cui possono partecipare...
Private Military Chess Club - PMCC ᛒᛊᚱᛇᛊᚱᛕᛊᚱᛇ We are primarily looking for people who like daily chess, vote chess. We are members of Cl...
Mean Queens
A place to do homework, chat, chess at the same time! Great hub for those who want to teach and/or learn and exercise their brains-!!
Tournaments and Great Chess Club
Hello! Welcome to Tournaments and Great Chess Club where we do Vote Chess, tournaments, and other events!    We hope every...
Young Beauties
Young Beauties welcomes all who maintain the spirit of youth.  We seek to nurture inquisitive minds, to be open to new ideas, and to be respec...
Team Armenia
Team Armenia-միակ թիմն է, որը ներկայացնում է Հայաստանը Աշխարհի և Եվրոպայի պաշտոնական խաղերում: Team Armenia-ն Աշխարհի Լիգայի ամենաուժեղ՝ 1-ին դիվիզ...
1 477
The Positive Chess Club
Welcome to The Positive Chess Club!!! We are positive members who encourage others to get better. We show our brilliant skills and share our creati...
WELCOME to the Official CHESS.com/TV Group! You've arrived at the one-stop place for All Things Chess.com/TV. Here you can be notified of scheduli...
6 615
- International Chess Friends -
Welcome to - International Chess Friends -! International Chess Friends is a club that brings together friends but also great players! &n...
The G.O.A.T club
Do you think that you are the Greatest of all time? If the answer is yes then do not hesitate to join this club!  We are active and we have a ...
"I wish i could tell you how i feel about you"  
1 151
Queens of the Board
Look, this is a private club, but if you want to join you have to have a PHD in mathematics, at least one published essay in American scientific ab...
Team Iceland
This group is for icelandic players. A target for this group is also to representing Iceland in the Live Chess World League, World League and Euro...
2 241