
Last updated on 9/24/2024

Watch to the end to get a good laugh:

Hi, I'm Elijah. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ, and I believe that the Bible is 100% truth and inspired by God.

║99.9% of you won't post this. When
║Jesus died on the cross he was
║thinking of you. If you're one of 0.1% that
║cares, put this on your profile.

Send me a secret message, I'll never know who sent it: (also yeah also it's not like I can respond to it or anything) X

Ask me literally anything: https://www.chess.com/forum/view/off-topic/elijahs-ama

The GD in my username stands for Geometry Dash. 👌

To those of you who don't know who Xumi is, please refer to these links:



CHESS GOALS (for 2024)

1300 daily

1000 blitz

(Retired from bullet)

1400 rapid

45 Puzzle Rush (Survival)

35 3-min

35/40 5-min

2500+ in rated puzzles

DISCLAIMER: My friends and clubs displayed on the bottom right corner are not my closest and/or fav friends and clubs. I have a section here for that:


@NATIOYUJIN Because I'm on your bio, you deserve to be on mine...etc etc etc

@jackityjackjack You're the most awesome CHTer I've met, and you're VC captain in a lot of active clubs...good for you!

@Admiral_ChessBeard Haha, Ray, thanks for being my friend. I've known you for so long, it feels like we've known each other forever...I'm still willing to get you a membership if you'll tell me if you're older or younger than me...lol 

And who could've guessed you were a CHTer? I'm sure not many people know that.


@Buddy5622 Thanks to you, I found chess.com. If you never happened to play a game on that app right before you moved, (three years ago? wow) I would've never discovered this site. And the rest is history.

@RabbitRover This guy is so amazing and awesome and cool! You should like, totally join his clubs and stuff... Did I mention he is awesome? He's also an SA in TMMA.

@GMchessminator RIPPPPP

@GM_of_Australia Too bad you had to leave chess.com...

(huh that's not very many out of my 700+ friends) (btw, every one of my friends are there for a reason, I don't accept or send random friend requests)

Co-owner of Tanjiro Chess School 1 and 2 (1 has 250 members, 2 has 622 members, got ban-attacked, used to have 700+ members)

Coordinator in:

Christian Youth Chess Team (594 members)

Christian Chess Youth Group (492 members)

Paladins Of Chess (2.3k members)

Union of Chess Masters (also 2.3k members)

CHT Dude Ranch (50 members but whatever)

Stay tuned for when I can search through all the clubs that I am coordinator in

To all the Christian Homeschoolers out there, join CHT if you haven't! It's the most crazy, amazing, and family-like club on chess.com. I've made lots of incredible friends there, Christian Homeschool Team changed my life for the better, and I hope it does the same for you. 

I am a Christian who loves the Lord and trusts Him as my Savior. To those out there who feel alone or just beyond help, you can know there is always Jesus, and you can always turn to Him no matter what. He accepts you for who you are, and changes you for the better. To anyone who feels too lost and far gone to trust Him, know that there is nothing you can do to make Him love you less. He will ALWAYS be there for you. Jesus loves YOU and would love to have you in his kingdom. If you ever have any questions about Christianity feel free to DM me! 

People I have successfully rickrolled (stay tuned):


















Gotham's Mob 2023 Meme of the Year (by @BombCraft)


I read all my messages!

Btw my USCF status is fake, I still have to play 21 more games before I can get an actual rating. 

See you on the 64 squares!

If for some reason you want to see my old bio, click here:
