
About me 

From - America, New York City.
Age - 17

Dislikes and Likes
L - Books, chess, Painting, drawing, playing sports, anime, milk chocolate, cats.
D - Being social, toxic people, bad grammar, normal milk, attention seekers.

My peeps
Kayden - My amazing bf/husband he is the best person in my life ever, lysm more than anyone you're always my top fav. #1
Little 666 - My first friend on cc he was always there for me no matter what and cares for me a very lovely so amazing friend ly bro! ^^ 
Rei - My sissy she is very nice and loving towards me no matter what we fight sometimes but then we make up I love her very much.
Luan - My 2nd friend on cc she was very helpful and she is very funny and sometimes su and weird but that's what makes her very likable.
Lily - She is always so nice like always and sometimes ppl let her down and it's annoying to see ppl hurt her and make her sad they use her kindness I hate it but..she is still very amazing she loves, cares, teaches, helps a lot she is very confident ly Lilu so flippin much!
Ryan - A very amazing, lovely good friend ever amazing at keeping secrets and good to tell him stuff you don't wanna tell others (meaning a good person to talk to when you dk who else to talk to). ^^
Pawn - A lovely friend a very amazing person on cc i'm very happy I met him on this site and I have never regretted it ever once in my life.
Ellie - My wifey she is so loving and caring but be nice to her and show respect or she can get mean.
Dioooo - My amazing friend we rarely talk but he is still my friend he is very kind! ^^
Leo - I don't talk to him as much but to me he seems like a good person.
Billy - Very serious but sometimes funny but a good friend.
Yugi - My pookie <3.
Frieren - My Lovely Frieren a great person and friend!