Գտեք Շախմատի Ակումբ

Pro Chess Gang
Hello Friends. Welcome to our club. I Have a reminder for you. This Club is not like normal!On the contrary, it is a Speed Chess Club. HAVE FUN!Rul...
Team Korea
안녕하세요! 대한민국 chess.com 공식그룹, Team KOREA 입니다. This group is the official group representing Korea in the World League and Asian League.  This cl...
Premium Members
Greetings, dear chess friends. To become a member of our team, you are required to have a gold, platinum, or diamond membership, to have play...
Dzięki temu klubowi będziemy mogli organizować turnieje dla społeczności szachoWArszawa. 
Open to All Filipino Live chess players. Live Chess Team Tournaments for Country's National Team  being conducted by IPL+ National TEAMS MCM, ...
2 439
Team Zambia
This is the group representing '' ZAMBIA '' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
2 129
Asia National Team
  Here is your invitation to join Asia National Team. The purpose to rebuild this Club is to bring all Asia chess players together, make goo...
1 797
Fun Chess.
join the club. and have fun with us! the club organizes daily tournaments whenever you want.  Fun Chess    https://www.chess.com/club/fun-chess-10 ...
8 Player Chess
We use the club forums (and 8playerchess.com, a daily webpage and much more) to play 8 Player Chess. We are developing a live server and a mobile a...
Zombie RP
You just woke up to a desolate world of chaos. People are attacking others, biting, and so forth. This is just a roleplaying/social club :> ...
Lyon échecs
Bienvenue sur le site de Lyon échecs et de ses environs... Tous les joueurs ayant le coeur lyonnais et qui ont envie de défendre notre belle ville,...
Green Revolution
We are a club dedicated to the preservation of nature, the environment and all of earth's creatures.  Join us in a glorious endeavor to overcome al...
Avaldsnes Sjakk
Sjakkspill for alle i 5 klasse
Secret International Club
Pls join our club. our club is new and we need your help for this club to grow
Spartan Warriors
Spartan Warriors of chess, never give up. With your shield & dory linked to your fellow Spartan, our wall will not be breached! A Spartan maste...
The Ultimate Training Center
Welcome to The Ultimate Training Center! We are a great group for those who would like to improve their chess. We put a lot of effort into our Vote...
Vote Chess Powerhouse
Our team, Chess.com vs. ChessKid, has emerged as one of the top 6 strongest Vote Chess teams on Chess.com. Recognizing our growth and potential, we...
Avoy's VIP Club
Klub podtrzymujący tradycję corocznych turniejów świątecznych pod sztandarem szkół ŻAGLE oraz wawerskiej WSR. Organizujemy comiesięcz...
Team Estonia
Welcome to Team Estonia! This team is for Estonian players. We play team matches, vote chess and tournaments! Now 1000+ members. We represent Esto...
1 811
Greek Arena
Αμιγώς Ελληνική ομάδα. Όροι έντ&a...
Fair Play Board
A group dedicated to universal fair play on Chess.com