Գտեք Շախմատի Ակումբ

Team Kerala കേരളം
This group is for chess.com members from Kerala (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerala) If you are a keralite please join the group & request you...
The Chess Union - TCU
Welcome to The Chess Union! A club of 180+ members, with the goal of more than 200+ members in the future.  Titled Players in the club: ...
The Party
Join our Party today! 🎉 Welcome to the party!🎉 The #1 Club for socializing and making friends.👥 In this cozy little community we play games like ...
Ajedrez en Español
Ajedrez en Español nace con la intención de reunir en un mismo equipo a todos los usuarios de Chess.com que utilizan el español para comunicarse. E...
3 488
Communist Party People
 ☭ Hi friends. Are you a communist lover? Come here if you are ☭ 
The Imperial Nation
Join our vibrant chess room! It's a place with camaraderie, socialness, competitivity and many more! There are lots of elections/votes/fun forums, ...
UNIBEN Chess Club
This is the official University of Benin Chess Club!
2 746
Tunisia Chess Team
Tunisia Chess Team: The official representative of The World League. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Would you like to improve yo...
1 350
Team Ethiopia
This is the group representing ''Ethiopia'' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
3 017
Chess Universe
Welcome to Chess Universe! This enthusiastic club is happy to have you join our community. Despite our activity, which is rather standard for large...
2 346
Beartaria Chess Club
Official chess club of Beartaria! 
GM Ben Finegold Club
The official Chess.com club for fans of GM Ben Finegold. Follow Ben and his wife Karen as they play and study chess on twitch at: twitch.tv/itsbe...
17 277
The Shadow Ninjas - TSN
Welcome to ~ The Shadow Ninjas!! Here we can do many things: 1. Talk  2. Play 3. Be active  4. Respect one another  5....
Ajedrecistas nacidos o radicados en los estados mexicanos de Colima, Jalisco, Michoacán y Nayarit., jugadores de otros estados serán bienvenidos   ...
The NEW Green Dragon Inn
Open Discussion
Applicants must confirm the following when applying to join this club: you are 16 years of age or older your account has been open for at least 3...
Играем в шахматы и устраиваем турниры между собой. Возможно бросаем вызовы!
Nature Conservation Chess Club
#RecoveringFromBanAttack (ForTheThirdTime) Looking for a club that respects nature and is devoted to saving it? Want to join a club to make frien...
🌟 Представляємо найкращий Шаховий клуб chessMAD! 🌟 Ви готові підняти свою любов до шахів на новий рівень? Не шукайте далі - ми з великим задоволен...
Welcome to PuzzleCorp , where chess players come together to chat and have fun talking about almost any topic!We think you could be a great member ...
Anime Crowd
Hello everyone! We are one of the large anime communities here on chess.com currently ranking in 2nd place! We established a great community o...
1 451
Argentina Live Chess
🇦🇷 Jugamos bullet, blitz y rápidas, estandar y 960, representando a la Argentina en la Liga Mundial (Primera División, entre los mejores 8 del mund...
7 421
Professional Procrastinators
As the name suggests, this club is for great and legendary people who have mastered the evergreen art of procrastination. 
Royal Wallachian Chess Club
Klub pro všechny milovníky Valašska a celé Moravy, přírodních krás, kultury, památek i šachu.Pro potěchu duše a mysli slouží fotografie přírodních ...
Team Australia-Adelaide SA
This club represents Adelaide in the State of South Australia. We represent the Capital city of Adelaide in the Cities World Cup, Team Match Ch...