The ZZZs

회원 42명
2024. 4. 16.
9 플레이한 이벤트

We are also an RPG club and a fan club (for me, @LeafySnack, this is my official fan club happy.png

***IMPORTANT!!!*** IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF STAFF (Coordinator, Admin, or Super Admin) YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO JOIN THE VIP ZZZs. THIS ALLOWS STAFF TO COMMUNICATE AND ORGANIZE EVENTS, so that the members can actually enjoy the events (eg. the RPG.) without spoilers.

Rules: No harassment, cuss words, inappropriate behavior, racism, exploitation, sexism, etc. etc. the normal stuff on the don't list. Don't do these, or risk getting banned.

This team is for anyone, but mostly my fans (so basically a social fanclub) so feel free to join.

Have fun, and let's get checkmating! YEEHA club edition: