Scholastic Chess Teachers Lounge

61 ارکان
19 جنوری، 2020
0 Events Played

A place for scholastic chess club advisors, parents, coaches and team captains to share resources, stories, recommendations, encouragement, experiences, provide feedback and get questions answered. Intended to primarily serve high school and middle school club advisors or coaches. (Elementary schools have resources.)

If your school's team has a club, and you've written an instructive article on your club for your own team that you'd like to share, feel free to re-post it here and add it to our forum's article collection for other coaches to borrow, modify and post on their school's club. Since many of us are part-time coaches or busy teachers, and the material and diagrams will already be in format, the time saved and knowledge shared will be much appreciated.

Admin MooseMouse (Randy Kaech) is a USCF TD, volunteer HS and MS club advisor and Washington High School Chess Association board member.


When joining Scholastic Chess Teachers Lounge, indicate the school(s) you are involved with, thanks.