God's Fire

85 Members
12-okt, 2024
11 Events Played

Hiii, I'm Sam and this is my club about God and Jesus. Every Believer is welcome to this club we can talk about anything!!!

Every club needs some rules, Therefore I will write some simple rules I you can follow them at all times,

1. No Swearing,

2. No Spamming,

3. Be nice to everyone

4. You may advertise/promote your club but you must in the club promotion forum (https://www.chess.com/clubs/forum/view/club-promotions-1-1 )

5. No Loopholing,

6. Do not be inappropriate. (You know what that includes)

7. Don't talk bad about God or Jesus 

That's all, follow them

Thank you so much for joining my club. Have a great day my friends! God bless all of you

In the notes and everywhere else it is a sign of respect when referring to Almighty God to capitalize the G! I think it should be done out of respect though and not because a rule made you do it!